Fluidyn Consultancy

Process Optimization
Fluidyn expertise in multiphysics disciplines, -such as fluid dynamics, structural response, heat transfer, electromagnetic, magneto-hydrodynamics, rarefied gases, etc -, to handle the various phenomena in the frame of industrial processes design and optimization […]
Environmental Impact
Fluidyn uses its large experience in air quality modeling to the benefit of its users and customers. In compliance to the national regulations on air quality, our team produces simulations of pollutant dispersion (gas, particles, radionuclides…) from any type of emission sources (stacks, points, areas, roads, airports, harbours…) […]
Gaining from years of experience, Fluidyn consultancy teams can help you identify the hazards of your facility, assess consequence of accidents (toxic and/or flammable releases, explosions, fires, tank ruptures), analyze the risks and improve the risk management performance of your company […]