Fluidyn PANACHE is a software family dedicated to the simulation of atmospheric pollutant dispersion and air quality prediction. Based entirely on a 3D-CFD approach (Computational Fluid Dynamics), the modeling tools can predict with high accuracy the gas/particle dispersion both in the near field and far field.
Among all the features, Fluidyn-PANACHE takes into account the effects of buildings, complex topography, land covers, weather conditions, atmospheric boundary layer, transient and chronic emission (gas, particles, dense gas, fire products, 2 phases releases…).
Fluidyn-PANACHE modules have been designed for engineers without expertise in Fluid Dynamics or numerical simulation while still allowing them to benefit of the state-of-the-art technology in CFD modelling. Solvers are fully integrated with user-friendly interface for pre processing phases (numerical model construction, source term definition, meshing…) and post processing phases (results analysis) .
Fluidyn-PANACHE family is derived into several modules depending on the applications:
- Fluidyn-PANEPR : Accidental dispersion modeling (Toxic, Flammable, Radionuclides, Fire products …)
- Fluidyn-PANEIA : Industrial impact on air quality
- Fluidyn-REALTIME-SENSORMAP: Air Quality monitoring and mapping of atmospheric emissions
- Fluidyn PANROAD: Road traffic impact on air quality
- Fluidyn-PANAIR : Urban air quality assessment
- Fluidyn PANWIND : Wind flow simlation in urban areas
Fluidyn PANEPR
Fluidyn-PANEPR is a 3D-CFD tool dedicated to the accidental dispersion modelling of gas or particles/ droplets over a complex terrain at high resolution.
- Air flow simulation around obstacles and over topography
- Toxic/Flamamble gas dispersion
- Heavy/Hot/Dense releases
- Multiples sources (stacks, point, areas, volume…)
- Fire products dispersion
- Optimization of mitigation measures
- Radionuclides dispersion
- Sensor network optimization
- Acute human health exposure

Fluidyn-PANEIA is a 3D-CFD module dedicated to air impact modeling around industrial areas from near field to far field.
- Chronic emission modeling over complex terrain
- Gas/Particle atmospheric dispersion modelling
- Odour concentration assessment
- Simulation of the dry and wet deposition around plants
- Optimization of the emission characteristics for impact limitation
- Plume visibilty assessment
- On-site and off-site sensor layout analysis
- Legionella dispersion
- Radionuclides dispersion
- Hourly/Daily/Annualy impact modeling
- Human health short term and long term exposure
Fluidyn-PANROAD is a 3D-CFD tool dedicated to atmospheric impact modeling of road traffic pollution.
- Traffic pollution modeling over complex terrain at high resolution
- Air quality from the district scale to city level
- Road networks, public transport, tunnel exit, Hourly/Daily/Annualy traffic emissions impact
- Simulation of air quality improvement measures (speed regulation, traffic limitation, road deviation, …)
- Human health exposure assessment
- Regulatory compliance analysis

Fluidyn-PANAIR is a 3D-CFD module dedicated to urban air quality.
- Air quality from the street level to city level
- Modelling the contribution of various pollutant source inventories (industry, roads, heating, harbour…)
- Air pollution modeling over complex terrain at high resolution
- Simulation of the urban planning impact on air quality
- Air monitoring sensor layout optimization
- Short term and long term human health exposure assessment
- Regulatory compliance analysis
Fluidyn-PANWIND is a 3D-CFD tool dedicated to the wind flows simulation in urban areas.
- Wind flow patterns around buildings and obstacles
- Wind characteristics assessment (direction, average speed, turbulence intensity, pressure on buildings, …)
- Improvement of the pedestrian comfort around buildings
- Local climatology analysis
- Validation of natural ventilation in buildings
- Local wind production assessment for urban wind turbines

FLUIDYN-REALTIME is a set of operational solutions to monitor and analyze atmospheric emissions and their impact, specifically developed to aid industries, city councils and their delegated services.
The 3D modelling platform integrates the following modules:
- Real Time Module: real time monitoring (slightly delayed for in situ data acquisition) and source recalibration (flow rate by sensors).
- Forecast Module (PS): short-term forecasting from 24h to 48h or 72h for projected emission scenarios.
FLUIDYN-SENSORMAP is dedicated to atmospheric emissions monitoring by inverse modeling of sensor data. By CFD-3D calculation of outdoor/indoor dispersions on complex domains (city/industry), it ensures optimal network deployment and then, by continuous inversion of measurement batches, it produces maps of distributed sources (roads/housing/industries) or point sources (leaks). Used for industries impact and risks (leaks/IAQ/OAQ) and/or on an urban scale for OAQ and GHG assessments.