Webinar_Reactor Explosion Modelling

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Reactor Explosion Modelling

Accident - Consequences - Mitigation

Date : 25 th January 2024

Time : 3 P.M - 5 P.M IST

Way forward to mitigate reactor explosions

Coming to terms with an explosion in an industrial installation


An explosion relates to uncontrolled consequences of a fast chemical reaction but they can be foreseen by modelling and their effect minimized. However the devil is in defining the scenario and initial conditions leading to explosion. This webinar is designed to bring together an eminent panel of experts who will discuss what and how a simulation exercise should be taken up for various kinds of explosions, especially their effect on the integrity of structural elements around, e.g. walls, tanks, piping systems, etc.. The guidelines for such a modelling are presently debated in European agencies. This webinar also will open a peep window on what could be the recommended best practices. Participants point of view may also be conveyed and presented in the ongoing deliberations.